Tuesday 21 June 2016

How Meditation Can Help You Overcome Your Fears

Fear and anxiety can be overpowering and keep you from accomplishing tasks. Fortunately, there is a better way to overcome your fears through the ancient art of meditation. Anyone can achieve this through guided practice and time. I'll explain to you how meditation can help you overcome your fears in this article so you can conquer it.

One of the main aspects of fear is brought on by intimidation of the event or thought that does not subside until after the fact. Through mediation, the mind becomes quieted from the over-activity that feeds into fear. It allows a person to detach one's self from the negative emotion that is being triggered. In order to learn how meditation can help you overcome your fears you must first master the skill required to become centered.

has been scientifically proven to effectively treat stress and anxiety, two factors that are commonly associated with fear. By learning the art of meditation you will be able to take control of your mental state and reach the calming response that will allow you to conquer your fears. Meditating trains your brain to respond differently to the negative thoughts and emotions that automatically occur when fear is brought on.

Monday 20 June 2016

Tips for Overcoming Addiction

Addiction is very complex and overcoming it may be quite challenging. It is important to understand that fighting addiction requires effort, attention, and time. With a little planning, motivation, and a lot of determination, you have a good chance to beat addiction. Whether you want to quit gambling, smoking, stop drinking, telling lies or sex, here are tips for overcoming addictions.

Know why you do it

What is the purpose of your behavior? Is it to help you deal with stress and depression or just for leisure? You must be able to answer yourself that question. It may not be easy to admit that you have a harmful habit, but you cannot change what you do not acknowledge. Be real to yourself.

Sunday 19 June 2016

5 Easy Ways to Keep Motivated

Motivating yourself to excel at your job or to be an example to your employees, should not be something you do only when the spirit moves you. It’s an ongoing process that should include every facet of your business life. This means your mental attitude, physical well-being and appearance, work atmosphere, your interaction with others (clients and employees alike), and your off-the-job environment.

Motivational experts get paid big bucks to tell professionals, striving for success, that they must constantly examine these factors. How do you do that? Follow the 5 tips that follow, and watch the changes.

1. Maintain a Positive Attitude – Let’s realize that life is only 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. We’re responsible for our own actions and attitudes, and changing them when appropriate. When you’re around people/things that are uplifting and positive, you
feel that way. You have more confidence in yourself, and know you can change whatever needs changing. If you can make your workplace such a place you’ll find happier workers and higher production. You might even find your employees look forward to coming to work!

2. Leave Personal Troubles Home - Everyone has problems, but they don’t belong at work. Turn your attention and energy entirely to your on-the-job tasks. This will actually be good for you because you’ll get a mental break from your troubles.

3. Create Positive Affirmations - The reason for writing goals for your business is the same as creating positive affirmations on paper. What your eyes see and ears hear, your mind will believe. Try it! After you’ve written them down, read them aloud to yourself – and do it every morning when you get into work. You’ll be amazed at what happens. Come up with a set of new ones every month. Statements such as, “I’m an important and valuable person,” or “I know I’ll make good use of my time today.” Repeating them out loud everyday at a set time will help reinforce positive actions.

4. Make Sure Break Times Are Really Break Times - This is an area where most bosses/entrepreneurs fall down. You become so intense about the project or situation you’re working on that you don’t ease up. Thinking that it’ll be solved in the next few seconds, and then you’ll get a cup of coffee can lead you right up to quitting time. Regularly adhering to a specified break schedule, even if you’re the boss, releases the tension. If you work on a computer this is even a greater problem because before you realize it – you’ve been working in that same position for hours. The best answer to this is to set yourself a reminder on your appointment calendar for every 2 hours, and let the computer reminder chime send you the alert to move around.

5. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise - I know that lately it seems that “exercise” is the cure-all to every physical ailment or your love life, but despite that there is some truth to that ugly word. By “exercise” I don’t mean that you should go out and join a gym and spend your lunchtime, 3-days-a-week there working out. What is really beneficial and workable is that at those chiming alerts from your computer, get up and walk around your desk or room. Maybe go outside and get the mail and enjoy the sunlight (if you’re an entrepreneur that has a home office), or just get up and do a few stretches. Concentrated, tense thinking – typing - plotting plans - or whatever your work, makes all those muscles tighten up and knot up. Then when we move we “ooh” and “ouch” because we’ve knotted up into a ball of tension. Periodic stretching, even at our desk, or just getting up and walking over to the
window and getting a different view can help. One of the greatest disservice modern business décor has done to us, is making our offices pristine, sleek, unencumbered spaces. There is nothing more relaxing than getting up from your desk and walking over to a peaceful, serene, seascape or pastoral painting and just drinking it in visually. Momentarily transporting your mind out of work and into that place does wonders. A few good paintings and less shiny chrome in offices would benefit us all.

Fantasy Study Tip: Eliminate Distractions and Keep your Focus

Maintaining interest in studying is something most students find hard to accomplish. If you are one of those students finding it hard to get interest studying, you should know that it is vital to get rid of distractions and stay focused. Know just how to do so in this article.

Destroy Distractions and Maintain Focus

When you are studying, you will feel that everything else may seem much more appealing, even simply staring at your wall. First off, have a firm thought that you are going to study hard and going to get good ratings. However, thinking about this is not enough to stay focused, as there are lots of distractions that might be surrounding you.
There are so many things you have in mind, especially as you sit down to study. The technique basically lies in preventing distractions efficiently and maintaining motivation in you to carry on studying.

How to Do It?

The roll of distractions might be endless and varied for everyone. But then, you can cope with them efficiently by employing a disciplined method along with some practical techniques as suggested by the following:

Tips on Building Your Own Eco-Friendly Home

Eco friendly homes are built using processes that are resource efficient and environmentally responsible. All facets of the home from interior to exterior design are provided with eco friendly features. Even construction, maintenance, and operation are performed in ways that don’t affect and endanger the environment.

Building Tips and Guides

- Site Conditions: Before planning in building your new home, you should consider the best site. Choose an area that suits your wants and needs. It should be able to offer space for various solar accesses, water, air, privacy, gardens.

- Building materials: If you really are after building an eco friendly home, you should use environmental friendly materials. You can use ceramics, cement, aluminum, bricks, steel, and glass as the raw materials. Before, wood is considered as a primary material in eco friendly homes but because of the illegal logging issue, it was replaced with aluminum and mild steel. In addition to that, you should also use non toxic paint, LED lightings, recycled tiles, recycled glass, recycled aluminum, as well as other recycled products and materials.

- Rooms: Consider room locations and the amount of natural air and sunlight that can enter through it. Also consider the amount of natural heat to enter the rooms in certain time of day.

- Home Layout: Most eco friendly homes are equipped with open design layout to reduce the cost of construction. It also enhances ventilation and light. It is also easier to manage and arrange the furniture with open spaces.

Friday 17 June 2016

The Benefits Of Maintaining Your Stop Smoking Resolution

For some, a stop smoking resolution might only be a matter of staying healthy but the truth is, there are actually plenty of benefits that you can expect to get, experience and enjoy once you are totally committed to maintaining it.

Enjoy an Increased Lifespan

If you want to see your grandchildren up and about, you need to say goodbye to smoking as early as now. Smoking can increase the risk of dying as much as ten times much earlier because of the different life threatening issues which are associated to this bad habit.

Lessen Your Chances of Suffering from Different Serious Health Conditions

Cigarette smoking can make your living and your life vulnerable. There is a high chance that you will live with sickness each and every day. Make sure that you quit smoking as early as now if you like your life to be healthy and free of different ailments such as fertility issues, impotency, macular degeneration, cataracts, osteoporosis, tooth loss and gum disease.

Make Your Body as Pure as That of a Baby

Everyone loves babies and by quitting smoking, you also increase your chances of making your body similar to that of a baby all over again. If you want to be pure and feel good like a baby, give up on your smoking habit right away. The moment you do so, it will only take several minutes for you to go back to your normal state, from the normal temperature of your hands and feet, to your pulse rate and blood pressure.

Relieve Your Honeymoon Night Every Single Night

By quitting smoking, you also help in improving your sex life. Staying away from cigarettes can be of great benefit for both genders. Women are going to be aroused much easily and men are going to enjoy better erections. On top of that, being a non-smoker will make you look more appealing to the eyes of the opposite sex.

Put an End to Harsh Coughing

When you decide to stick to your stop smoking resolution, you will notice an instant decrease in your heavy coughing. Simultaneously, heavy breathing and breath shortage will also lessen because your lungs can now function normally all over again. When your lungs reaches its normalcy, it can increase its ability of handling mucus, cleaning the lungs, and lessening the chances of incurring various infections.

Say Goodbye to Smoker’s Stink

After several minutes of quitting smoking, you can expect that the smoking odor will also disappear from your body. And when you smell good, you will also become more attractive to those around you because there is definitely no one who would like to hand around with someone whose smell is like that of a cigarette stick. On top of that, your home will also smell cleaner and fresher when you quit smoking.

Feel Good and Look Good

Smoking can cause premature aging, something that nobody likes. For sure, you would not want to be mistaken for a person who is twice older than your actual years of being in early 20s. When you quit smoking, this will not just benefit your general health for at the same time, this will help improve your looks and overall appearance. Smoking can cause wrinkles, making you seem slow and dull. To feel better and look better, maintain your stop smoking resolution and experience great changes in your life.

10 Signs of Addiction

Addiction is a multifaceted disease and depending on the substance and frequency of abuse; addiction treats every individual differently. While symptoms and treatment of addiction vary from one person to another, what remains similar are the signs that someone is suffering from addiction.

Below are the most common signs of drug addiction. The signs do not appear with every drug addiction, but they appear frequently enough to represent a warning sign that something is amiss.

1. Mood Swings

People who are addicted to drugs are prone to mood swings depending on whether or not they’re under drug influence. The mood swings can be as a result of a psychiatric disorder affiliated with addiction or on the substance abused.

2. Being evasive or secretive

Addicts will go to great lengths to hide their addiction. This includes keeping secrets, acting in unusual manners, or avoiding clear answers to your queries.

3. Change in physical appearance

Addiction will have a significant and noticeable impact on the victim’s body. For example, unexplained weight loss, irritated skin, strange smelling on clothing, development of unusual sores on the body or even strange smelling on clothing.

4. Apathy or complacency

While this isn’t common, it’s a noticeable characteristic. An individual who is normally quite active can lose interest all of a sudden. They will no longer seem to be interested in hobbies, skills, and talents that they typically enjoy.

5. Erratic behaviors

These can be the most noticeable signs of addiction. These responses are entirely not typical of the individual. For example, excessive giddiness out of someone who is typically serious. The behaviors can become dangerous situations.

6. Mental instability

Addiction can trigger a psychological imbalance. This is seen when the victim starts acting compulsively, lose their ability to focus, perform actions driven by paranoia or hear voices which are not real.

7. Neglecting your responsibilities

The user starts having issues at work, school or with his household responsibilities because of the addiction. Addiction makes serious and negative impacts to the victim’s day-to-day activates.

8. Memory loss

Substance abuse often leads to blackouts from a heavy usage in a small period of time. The more blackouts a victim gets the more long time memory loss that victim suffer. Illicit drugs have direct impacts on the functioning of a human brain which leads to memory loss.

9. Changes in possessions

Addiction causes a victim to lose sight of everything else. The victim may start selling personal items for cash, or be in possession of improvised drug apparatuses. Some of them even start stealing to feed their next high.

10. Lying frequently

Individuals struggling with addiction will flat out lie to you to protect themselves to admitting their addiction.